Thursday, December 4, 2008

Clever Namecards

I must say, namecards are such a hassle! The ones you've collected take up space in your wallets. The ones you carry around because "you'll never know who you meet" anytime of the day take up space as well; for some, in a separate holder. For me I have that separate holder in the form of a cigarette box, which I'll forget to bring along with me, which then defeats its purpose. Oh well, enough about my tardiness.

Most namecards are so capital B Boring: many a times while clearing my wallet, I would have a little pile of insignificant namecards that I can't actually remember who they came from!

Was researching on creative namecards, when I came across this:

How clever, a play on the word "separation". Pure genius from the creative! A possible ease of tension for the clients of this particular lawyer, whilst dealing with a difficult situation such as divorce.

More striking, original, creative namecards here.

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