Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Some people write good stuff.

Blog hop hop around the Singapore / Malaysian blogosphere, and you realise that pretty girls write boring blogs, but they are such guilty pleasure reads!

Though, there are some other women writers I've added on my Google Reader recently, that are not to be missed (though I don't know how chio some of them are)
  • Angelique - It's raining noodles!
    This 19 year old, on the way to law school, is overdosed with pink & wit. Nah, not another Xiaxue. We don't know how chio this girl is: there's no pictures of her, except for her cute drawings! Her blog documents the usual bothers of a teenage girl (you know, boyfriend, ex boyfriend, etc), but hell she does it in such an infectious manner!
  • Little Miss Drinkalot
    Another anonymous writer whom you probably heard of - one of the editors of Tomorrow.sg . Don't know how old she is though: probably in her late twenties. She's funny (oh, look at my lack of adjectives, what a shame), and possibly... erm, sexy, heehee. Check out these selected entries 1 , 2 , 3
  • Wyafer.org
    You wouldn't NOT know her, the former writer at sarongpartygirl, or her most recent missizzy.org. When I first found out that she's way younger than myself, I'm like damn dismayed. This girl has hell more life experience than me (not just sex hor, cb!), writes intelligently, questions a lot of complex things (cheem things like philosophy), and now she decided to drop all the sex and go on with discussion on new media with a tech blog like wyafer.org. Not your kind of tech chick as tacky as Stomp's Tech Chick. Simply lovely.
  • Jules
    Jules, or Juliana Lau, swears a hell lot (knnccb). Read this entry of hers: pillbox, and you'll know that she's pack with brains behind that potty mouth.
Okay lah, don't overwhelm you all already. I'm gonna have dinner with Audrey.

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